Chugach CEO Gabe Kompkoff recognized Chugach Board Chairman Sheri Buretta and Board Attorney Phil Blumstein with Visionary Awards, for the work that led to the successful Bering River Coal Field (BRCF) coal rights sale. “We would like to recognize each of you with Chugach’s new Visionary Award for your dedication and for creating a new and unique opportunity,” Kompkoff said. “Retiring the coal rights in the BRCF is a huge component of our 100-year plan, placing Chugach on a path to permanent prosperity. So thank you.” Sheri and Phil were caught off guard with the impromptu ceremony, but expressed their gratitude for the recognition. Sheri turned the focus back to the Chugach team members in attendance. “Thank you,” Sheri said. “The tremendous work required to make this deal a possibility would not have been possible without all of your support.” Phil expressed a similar sentiment. “I couldn’t agree more. This was definitely a team effort,” Phil said. “And it’s been a privilege to be a part of Chugach’s 10,000-year story.” Gabe also presented Sheri with a traditional Alutiiq hunting visor. “For our huntress,” Gabe said to a huge round of applause. Phil also received a piece of artwork depicting an Alutiiq hunter. |
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