Chugach named top 5 business in Alaska for 2018.

This year, Alaska Business Monthly’s Top 49er List was built around a comic book theme. Corporateville recognized the top performing businesses in Alaska, and through the efforts of a whole host of superheroes, Chugach placed at the top of the list.

Chugach Alaska Corporation would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our business partners and our more than 6,000 employees. Alaska Business just released the Top 49er list of Alaska owned businesses, and Chugach took 5th place! With more than 949 million in revenue, Chugach earned its place in the top five for 2018, and we owe it all to the hard work and dedication of employees and the companies we work with.

One of Chugach’s Core Behaviors is ‘We Build Community,’ and that community starts with our partners and every employee who wears a Chugach badge from the distant shores of our contracts throughout the Pacific Ocean, across Alaska and the continental United States to eight countries across the world.

Alaska Business has celebrated Alaska’s Top 49ers since 1985. There are multiple ways to measure success, but the best standard in any industry is if the business is making money. While all of the Alaska’s Top 49ers provide quality products and services, create job opportunities, and support their communities, gross revenue decides who makes the list.

Together, we have much to be proud of in this recognition. We look forward to future success and, once again, we’d like to thank all of the people who will make it happen.

For media inquiries, contact Communications
Director Randi Jo Gause

Contact Randi