On December 14, 2018, Chugach Alaska Corporation held a holiday lunch for their employees at corporate headquarters. Chugach’s Facilities Team hosted the event and provided punch, cupcakes, and a tasty lunch from Anchorage’s Hula Hands restaurant.
One of the Chugach Core Behaviors is We Build Community. In the simplest terms, this behavior means that our employees try to make a positive difference in the communities where they live and work. After lunch, the employees did what they do best, they made a difference for the folks who live the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center. Delivered in the form of small gift bags that the employees stuffed with essential items; hats, socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, Chap Stick, tissue paper, and even a little candy.
Phyllis Kilgore, the center’s Developmental Officer, picked up the gift bags and expressed her appreciation. Kilgore explained how these bags were going to be part of a larger donation for residents, and she touched on the fact that these gift bags would be especially helpful to some of the residents who have been without necessities since the massive earthquake that rocked southcentral Alaska on November 30.
Lilly Lockyer, HR & Facilities Admin Support, was very pleased with the way the gift bags came together. “It was really amazing that we were able to do this,” Lilly said, and she touched on the most important part of the afternoon – “It looked like everyone was having a good time putting the donations together.”
After the luncheon, the employees built some community amongst themselves and participated in a holiday gift exchange. Gifts ranged from wine glasses and cozy blankets to small, decorative shelves. One fortunate employee was the recipient of a board game called “What’s That Smell?” This gag gift was well received and only added to the afternoon’s fun and camaraderie.
Our employees make Chugach a special place to work. They are the heart of our community, they put our values into action, and they ensure that Chugach does its part to be a responsible neighbor.
For more information about the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center and how to make a donation, go to https://www.chugiak.org/.