Over the past several weeks, through a collaborative Chugach Regional Response Group that includes the village corporations, non-profits and other key stakeholders in the region, Chugach has been evaluating how to disburse the funds to benefit Chugach shareholders and communities that have experienced economic and financial losses due to COVID-19.
On Sept. 8, 2021 Chugach’s Board approved Resolution 21-19 funding two shareholder COVID-19 grant relief programs, two COVID-19 grant relief programs for Chugach region affiliates and entities, and one COVID-19 grant relief program for statewide Alaska Native non-profits organizations (shown below). To track and administer the funding, Chugach is using Submittable, a social impact platform for grant management. Submittable will allow shareholders to complete and track application status online, and allow Chugach to track the use of Coronavirus Relief Funds.