Chugach has been an avid supporter of the annual ceremony for several years, which pays tribute to women such as Buretta who give of their time and energy to make our state a better place. Community members nominated several women who have demonstrated leadership in their personal and professional roles, and a nine-member committee selected 10 award recipients.
“Sheri is a steadfast advocate for Alaska Native self-determination and manifests that in all aspects of her life – including her work, community involvement and personal passions,” said Angie Astle, Chugach’s Chief Financial Officer and YWCA Board member. “She exemplifies the YWCA Alaska’s mission to eliminate racism and empower women and is highly deserving of this recognition.”
Buretta has served as Chugach’s Board Chair since 1998, and has devoted herself to fostering economic growth, promoting Alaska Native self-determination through business development and preserving Alaska Native culture.
Chugach’s business is intimately tied to the Alaska community, where its corporate headquarters and many of its Alaska Native shareholders are located. One of Chugach’s core employee behaviors is a commitment to build community through volunteer work, charitable donations and community engagement – a tenet reflected in leaders like Buretta.