What’s wrong with the current EVOS Trust structure?

Chugach believes that the current structure for administering EVOS is expensive, inconsistent, bureaucratic and lacks transparency. We believe the Trustee Council can, and should, do better.

The Think Tank’s proposal is just one of many possible alternatives to the current model. By moving to an endowment model (similar to a private university or foundation), The Think Tank approach extends the lifetime of the remaining funds while also reducing administrative fees. As such, those funds would be preserved in perpetuity to support efforts to mitigate long-term impacts in the spill-impacted area.

The members of the EVOS Trustee Council briefly considered the proposal, but entrenched in their bureaucracies, they dismissed it with less than 10 minutes of consideration during a formal vote at their October meeting and without exploring meaningful public input from those in the spill impacted communities.